COVID Catch Up Premium
Catch-up premium: coronavirus (COVID-19) 2020-2021
How will the grant be spent?
The grant (£80 per pupil) will be spent on enhancing school’s staffing structure for the Summer term 2021. Based on our analysis of our pupils return to school since re-opening it is evident that different cohorts have different needs.
Year 1
In Reception and Year 1 there is a need for significant speech and language input and increased phonics teaching. Therefore, we will employ additional teaching assistants to enable our in-house teaching assistants to deliver additional phonics sessions and speech and language support. The additional staff will also allow further intervention sessions to take place involving mathematics.
Year 2
In Year 2 the current information technology provision will be increased to allow classes consistent access to appropriate online resources to close identified gaps.
Year 3
In Year 3 an additional teacher will be employed for the afternoon sessions working across the year group to allow the class teacher to work with small intervention groups from their own class.
Year 4
Year 4 will be provided with additional IT devices to enable them to utilise a new software programme to support our children, particularly in mathematics. The software allow staff to provide instant feedback to the pupils and identify any further gaps in knowledge. We will also employ a teaching assistant to support across the year group to allow in-house teaching assistants to focus specifically on intervention to close gaps in knowledge.
Year 5 and Year 6
Historically setting in Year 6 through the provision of an additional teacher would be transferred to year 5 at May half term. We will use funding to employ an additional teacher so that both year groups can utilise this benefit throughout the whole summer term 2021.
How will the impact of the funding be assessed?
The impact of the funding will be assessed through school’s usual tracking systems and daily assessment for learning.