School Uniform

In line with Department of Education guidelines, the majority of our uniform is generic and available to purchase from local supermarkets, as well as uniform shops. However we do have branded items (sweatshirts, cardigans, PE t-shirts and ties) which are only available to purchase at local uniform shops such as First Class Kids on Highfield Road.

School Uniform

  • Purple school sweatshirt/cardigan (branded item required)
  • White shirt/blouse/polo shirt 
  • School tie (optional)
  • Grey or black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • Purple and white summer dress in the summer term (optional)
  • Sensible dark shoes or sandals. No trainers
  • Coat or jacket suitable for all weather conditions

Reception children use the outdoor play area as part of their learning environment in all weathers. Some waterproof clothing can be provided but it is advisable to provide your child with wellington boots and appropriate outer wear.

PE Indoors: 

  • White T-shirt (optional Stanley logo t-shirt
  • Blue or black shorts/skirt
  • Black pumps

PE Outdoors:  


Blue or black tracksuit for colder weather

We do have a small stock of pre-loved uniform (most items) which is available free of charge. If you would like to discuss this, please contact the Office.


In Years 3 and 4, children participate in swimming lessons at Palatine Leisure Centre. Swimming kit will need to be provided and full details will be issued.


For safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn in school apart from stud earrings and watches. Stud earrings will need to be removed for PE lessons and swimming, and children should aim to be confident in doing this themselves.   SMART watches that receive phone calls/messages/take photographs are not permitted in school for pupils. 

Make Up:

Make up must not be worn to school and hair below the collar should be tied back.  Dyed hair is not suitable for school and we ask that parents/carers refrain from allowing children to have extreme hairstyles.


Children are responsible for the security of their possessions. Please name all items of clothing. Children’s personal property should not be brought into school. If you wish your Junior child to have a mobile phone for the journey to and from school we politely remind you that school cannot take responsibility for any losses.  A lost property box is kept in school and unclaimed items cleared regularly.